Fake it ’till you make it
Every now and again things align so perfectly you can’t not do something. In the past I’ve dabbled with AI, searching for Lego bricks with limited success. I had recently discovered Unity’s Perception package for generating labelled synthetic “photo realistic” images for AI / deep learning I’m familiar with Unity…
Fooling the Mind – Lessons Learned in VR
The year 2009. Media dominated by reports of the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic. Humans go through that relatively unscathed but a bad year to be a pig. A big year for me too. Though not mentioned in the footnotes, 2009 was the year published my first computer game: TabeBALL, a…
Starting Game Dev 10 Years Later
Like many I have been amazed by how far VR has come. Though current headsets still lack the resolution to truly fool the eye, I have been impressed how some VR games are so immersive and engaging to at least suspend the disbelief for a time. Over 10 years ago…